Mindful Movement


Do you feel like so much is going on you sometimes feel like you just can't breathe?

Are you tired of feeling stressed, tense, or living life running from one thing to another?

Do you feel disconnected from your body, or are not sure what you are feeling in your body?



If any of those resonate with you, welcome - thank you for finding your way here.



My name is Cindy, and I can help guide you to a different way of being.


Holding a safe space, and using somatic movement practices grounded in Feldenkrais-based methodology, I offer a practical and gentle way to awaken mind-body awareness, and develop a deep physical connection to our inner selves and being. 

Through my Neuromovement® practitioner training, I have learned lasting change is possible for those experiencing mind-body disconnection, chronic pain, physical limitation or poor range of motion, trauma, tension and stress, and blocked emotions. I have witnessed it, and experienced it myself.

This somatic approach is one that fosters more ease of movement, a heightened sense of personal awareness and agency, and a wonderful feeling of being grounded in the body. It is calming to the brain and nervous system, and allows holding patterns and muscle contractions to release, bringing much more ease and calm to clients who receive treatment. It is healing on so many levels.


Through our work together, you will . . . 

Explore small, slow, gentle movements to release tension and pain, and begin resetting your body

Experience soothing somatic movement practices that help unwind trauma and calm the nervous system

Begin a new way of being in your body, often learning things about your body you had no idea about

Learn scientifically proven ways to engage neuroplasticity and positive brain change


 Through my work I love being able to help you explore ways to connect with yourself with more meaning, and create a life with more calm, ease and positive intention. It truly is a place of quiet strength and inner power to live from. 




 Guided Mindful Movement sessions are held online, via Zoom or FaceTime, and are

currently offered as a private, one-to-one session. 


To give you an idea of what a session is like, my clients often refer to this approach as 'movement meditation', or Tai Chi done while laying on the floor. 


Click here to book.

Sessions are 45-60 minutes.

(Group classes coming soon!)



If you have any questions, please email me to find out more. I look forward to hearing from you!


With much warmth,

~ Cindy 



 "In a world full of distractions, stillness is a powerful advantage."  Cindy Morris

"Nothing happens until something moves".  Albert Einstein


